
Visitor Management


Visitor Management

Software: ClubRight


The simple, effective member management software designed by ClubRight has been created to help you manage who should have access to your facility, based on whether membership has been paid.

The ClubRight software is packed full of features to save you time, grow your business and earn more money. It has been created by gym owners, for gym owners.

Key benefits & features when integrated with Paxton:

  • Simply setup of the ClubRight Welcome Screen program
  • Supporting access granted or denied events in Net2 based on whether membership is paid or unpaid
  • Supports the use of Net2 readers to allow users to gain access to your facility 24-hours a day (where required)
  • Set up access parameters to restrict certain hours, days, classes or activities based on membership level


Additional costs: None. All ClubRight ask is that your Net2 system is installed correctly by an approved Paxton Installer.

Net2 compatibility: v 6.6 onwards

Languages available: English

How to buy/ or 0208 884 9777