Visitor ManagementSoftware: EntrySign
Description: EntrySign is a touchscreen visitor management system which also has the ability to manage staff, contractors and in educational environments students and pupils. Available as a self-contained standalone kiosk, or as a desk or wall-mounted solution, EntrySign simplifies your sign-in process, reduces administration, improves health and safety, safeguarding and security and can also help with GDPR compliance. EntrySign integrates with Net2 access control systems so where customers already have Net2, EntrySign is the perfect addition for a truly integrated solution.
For education customers who use a compatible MIS, EntrySign can bridge the gap between this and the Net2 access control system - including Capita SIMS, RM Integris, ScholarPack, Progresso and more. For commercial customers, EntrySign can also bridge the gap between Active Directory and Net2.
Key benefits & features when integrated with Paxton:
- Automatically populate users from EntrySign to Net2 or from Net2 to EntrySign
- Pull users from Active Directory and populate EntrySign and Net2
- Pull users from school management systems and populate EntrySign and Net2
- Automatically release doors, turnstiles & speed-lanes when signing in/out on EntrySign screens and terminals
- Uses real-time clocking data from Paxton readers and keypads
- Assign temporary access control cards or fobs to visitors
- Specify default access levels for different visitor/person types
Relevant features within your solution:
- Touchscreen sign in/out for visitors & contractors
- Quick and easy sign-in for pre-booked visitors with email and QR code
- Display visitor policies, capture photographs and signatures and ask custom questions
- Print visitor passes and issue temporary RFID tokens
- Simple RFID card/fob scanning for staff, authorised visitors and contractors
- Integrated ID card designer allows you to print your own ID cards
- Branded kiosk application themed to your organisation including logos and colour schemes
- Email and SMS notifications when visitors arrive
- Quick easy evacuation reports, plus cloud evacuation web app
- Multi-site and multi-occupancy support
- Pupil late and authorised absence tracking with MIS write-back
Net2 compatibility: v5.04 onwards
Languages available: English, Welsh, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Urdu + more on request.
How to buy: Contact Osborne Technologies to find your nearest partner. Email info@osbornetechnologies.co.uk or visit our website www.entrysign.co.uk
Contact: +44 (0) 1226 295455