InVentry Sign In Solution
Visitor ManagementSoftware: InVentry Sign In Solution
The InVentry integration with Paxton enables users to:
- Enter records once into your MIS for it to be automatically added to InVentry and Paxton
- Populate your Paxton system and users directly through InVentry
- Assign different door access rights through your InVentry system
- Trigger door releases via an InVentry card reader with a single swipe
- Automatically disable Paxton access when a user is disabled or removed from InVentry or your MIS
- Assign temporary door access cards to visitors or those who are pre-booked on InVentry
- Collect sign in/out data from Paxton to populate InVentry database
Relevant features within your solution:
- Integrated webcam, customisable front screen and widgets
- Visitor sign in and photo ID badge printing
- Late pupil sign in with printed passes for late arriving pupils
- Group tracking module for quick sign in/out of groups of pupils for school trips
- Visitor memory with facial recognition
- GDPR visitor consent
- Staff notifications when a visitor arrives on site
- Roll call app
- Pre-booking of visitors with e-tickets
- Calendar integration for pre-booking
- Mobile location-based sign in for staff (geofencing)
- Fully customisable Paxton ID cards for staff
- Seamless multi-site functionality allowing sign in / out using the same ID
Net2 compatibility: V5.04.6411 and onwards
Languages available: English
How to buy: Via authorised resellers. Find out more at