Quick Enrolment Manager
BiometricsSoftware name: Quick Enrolment (QE) Manager
Description: ViRDI Quick Enrolment Manager is an easy to use software integration module between ViRDI Biometric terminals and 3rd Party Access Control Systems. UNIS and QE Manager gets installed on the same Server as the 3rd Party Access Control GUI and Command & Control software. UNIS runs as a service and its only function is Template and Terminal Management. All access control rules are seated within the 3rd Party Access Control GUI and door controllers. RFID Card numbers are assigned to users and the associated by QE Manager with the fingerprint templates of the user.
Net2 compatibility: All v4, v5 and v6 versions
Languages available: English
How to buy: Visit www.virditech.co.za or download software here:
For non-Windows 10 Operating Systems UNIS is installed and QE Manager is activated from within the UNIS software
For Windows 10 Operating Systems, UNIS is installed and there is a separate install for QE Manager
For all Windows Operating systems except Windows 10 use UNIS Software v4.2.7.16 - download here
For Windows 10 Operating Systems, use the above UNIS software then install QE Manager Software v1.3.1.3 - download here
For additional information or advice, please contact VIRDI support directly: www.virditech.com/support/faq_main