S-KEY is a battery-less biometric access control card which allows access through a door using fingerprint recognition, minimising the risk of lost or stolen cards, and which works with existing NFC access control systems.
Using your existing access control infrastructure, or for newly installed systems, S-KEY eliminates the risk of unauthorised use of lost access tokens, enabling a building to increase its security with the same access reader systems already installed. Enrolment is done on the card, requiring no additional equipment and your Net2 hardware and software will interact with an S-KEY card in the same way you manage your existing tokens.
S-Key is available in Mifare Classic or DESFire variants and will work out-the-box with Net2.
Key benefits & features when integrated with Paxton:
- No additional infrastructure costs as it works out of the box with existing Paxton-supported NFC readers
- All biometric data is stored on the card making GDPR and privacy compliance much simpler
- S-KEY access cards are a battery-less solution which removes the cost of maintenance and helps deliver strong sustainability credentials
- Hygienic contactless technology ideally suited to the post-COVID-19 world
Net2 compatibility: This product is compatible with the Net2 MIFARE and Multiformat readers. The card is currently not compatible with the Paxton10, Entry and PaxLock range.
Languages available: English, Spanish, French, Chinese
How to buy/Contact: gonzalo.degisbert@freevolt.tech or 0203 176 2350