Sales Code: 541-427-EX

Net2 Plus – Demo case

Complete Net2 system in a case
Connects directly to a PC
Everything needed to demonstrate Net2
Buy direct from Paxton
Designed to speed up installation
Available for a range of Net2 products

About – The Net2 demonstration units can be taken to a customer’s premises and used to demonstrate the Net2 system. Seeing and using the system increases the chance of the customer placing an order.

The Net2 demonstration cases contain a control unit, a proximity reader, a proximity KP keypad, three tokens and PC software. Each unit connects differently depending on the control unit type.

In contrast to the rest of the product range, demonstration equipment can be ordered directly from Paxton. As the equipment is used to sell Net2 systems they are sold at a greatly reduced price.


Installation – The cases are supplied ready to use. Once the PC software has been installed the cases are connected to the PC.

  • 541-427-EX Net2 plus: connects directly via Ethernet
  • 337-430-EX Entry: connects directly via Ethernet
  • 337-635-EX Entry Touch panel: connects directly via Ethernet


Operation – The operation of the system is identical to a standard single door Net2 system. All configuration and user changes are managed from the PC. If required the case can be connected to different PC’s.
