Please note: Access to our API for integration purposes is changing. From 1st July 2024, only commercial integrators* will be granted access. We are currently working to provide a network of Certified Integration Developers to help us continue supporting the needs of all customers who require an integration with Net2. More information will be available soon.

*Commercial integrators are defined as businesses that create and sell Net2 integrations to customers as part of their product suite.

How to Integrate with Net2

Four Easy Steps


Here are the necessary documents if you are starting to plan a Net2 integration or if you are looking to have an integration with Net2 approved.

If you are a Net2 user, we do not make specific recommendations regarding the integrations available. For more information about the approved integrations for Net2, please visit our integration page or contact a Registered Paxton installer.

Complete the integration
request form

Tell us about your organisation and your integration, give us as much information as possible so that we can understand the benefit to the user.

Integration request form

Technical support for integration partners is available via our forum.

Posts are monitored by our developers and we will aim to respond within 3 working days.

Available methods of integration

The Web API – allows interaction with Net2 at any level in any development language.

The VIP – has been designed to allow DVT/NVR manufacturers to link with Net2 and display video.

API capabilities matrix

Here is some additional information you might find helpful:

Net2 VMS integration

VIP CCTV integration with Net2

Your integration will be reviewed

Our team will be in touch, giving you the opportunity to demonstrate your integration and show us all of its features and benefits.

We will then give you feedback and we may ask for a test system so we can test out the solution.

Releasing your integration

Any integration that is intended for external sale, association and promotion with Paxton must be approved prior to its launch.

We will work with you on a communications plan to release your integration, as well as featuring with the rest of our approved integration partners here, on our website for our customers to learn more.


If you are a manufacturer who is looking to integrate with Net2 and would like more information about the process please contact our team.


Email us